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Common Municipal Odor Issues

Odors that accompany wastewater facilities such as treatment plants, lift stations, and pump stations are a significant concern for municipalities. The most infamous cause of these nuisance odors is hydrogen sulfide (H2S), which is a colorless, toxic, and corrosive gas that can negatively impact the health of residents and workers if continuously exposed.

Vapex Solution

At Vapex, we take a radically unique and environmentally friendly approach to solving odor control problems so that you can create and maintain a safe environment where workers feel valued, and residents experience a high quality of life.

How it Works

The Vapex vapor phase treatment produces hydroxyl radicals that rapidly generate at the source of the odor, not only remediating odor but reducing FOG buildup (fats, oils, and grease) and decreasing the rate of corrosion.

Vapex in Action

lift station in Thiboudaux, Louisiana

Vapex's hydroxyl radical vapor phase treatment is a proven solution that has resolved over 300 municipal odor control problems in the United States. One of these odor problems occurred at a lift station in Thiboudaux, Louisiana. Within five days of the Vapex unit running, residents noticed a decrease in odor. Click here to read more!